
Grand Bahama Sports Complex,+The+Bahamas&hl=en&ll=26.54412,-78.676593&spn=0.004266,0.005466&sll=26.617635,-78.542739&sspn=0.272866,0.349846&oq=stadium+near+freepor&t=w&hq=Stadium&hnear=City+of+Freeport,+The+Bahamas&z=18&iwloc=A

Venue Records

NOT OFFICIAL RECORDS. These stats are according to our database.

Meets Held Here

Date Meet
2024-06-26 Bahamas Jr & Sr Nationals & Kids Invitational
2024-03-16 Island Relays
2023-03-17 Island Relays
2018-06-02 Frederick Bastian Track & Field Classic
2013-06-21 Bahamas BAAA National Championships
2013-03-07 GBSSAA Championship
2013-02-09 Grand Bahama Power Golden Eagles Classic
2012-06-16 Gold Athletics Gala
2012-05-26 Golden Eagles Classic
2012-02-11 Anglican School Festival
2012-01-21 Mary Nabb Relays
2011-07-05 Tour de Reims
2011-06-24 BAAA Jr/Sr National Championship
2011-06-17 Gold Athletics Gala
2011-02-25 Bahamas International Invitational
2011-01-15 Golden Eagles Early Bird Classic

XC Course Rating

The higher the number the more difficult the course statistically.

Conversion Table
15:00 - 1:19.00 21:00 - 1:51.00
16:00 - 1:24.00 22:00 - 1:56.00
17:00 - 1:29.00 23:00 - 2:01.00
18:00 - 1:35.00 24:00 - 2:06.00
19:00 - 1:40.00 25:00 - 2:12.00
20:00 - 1:45.00 26:00 - 2:17.00